images, textes, signes

Nous baignons dans un monde du « voir ». Un monde de signes qui regorge d’images et de textes. Et aujourd’hui plus encore : nous sommes invités à voir et à lire en permanence. L’imagerie publicitaire, développée dès les années 60 aux États-unis, notamment avec le hangar décoré, s’est par la suite répandue en Europe et en France. L’enjeu de cette réflexion est donc d’aborder le « voir » à travers l’imagerie publicitaire et d’interroger le rapport que nous entretenons avec celle-ci. Sa présence, dans et autour de la ville, peut-elle être questionnée ? Est-il envisageable de concevoir notre environnement urbain autrement ?

images, textes, signes: en conversation avec
Redesigned the 9th of Novembre 2021, in order to share the conversations with Étienne Hervy, Benoît Luisière, Vincent Perrottet, Vivien Philizot and David Poullard

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images, textes, signes
to pay attention
to public space

Master thesis
National school of Photography, Arles
Under the supervision of Nicolas Giraud

Edition of 3, printed in November 2017

Written based on conversations with:
Étienne Hervy, Benoît LuisièreVincent Perrottet, 
Vivien Philizot
and David Poullard

We are immersed in a world of “seeing”. A world of signs that is full of images and texts. And today even more: we are invited to see and read constantly. Advertising imagery, developed in the United States in the 1960s, particularly with the decorated shed, has since spread to Europe and France. The challenge of this reflection is to approach the “seeing” through advertising imagery and to question the relationship we have with it. Can its presence, in and around the city, be questioned? Is it possible to conceive our urban environment differently?

How can we become actor of this public space? Are we reduced to a status of spectator-consumer waiting for will? Can we question the “seeing” in its relation to our everyday environment? Do we understand what we see? Actually, do we have to? Or, is it necessary? If yes, how? Where is the boundary between “seeing”, “watching” or “looking at”? Who or what governs the “seeing”? Who are the actors of this landscape today? Who are these sign makers or sign diffusers? Can we learn new “ways of seeing”?


La conquête de l’espace


Billboards, bus shelters, subways 🚏. They are everywhere. Those advertising devices are part of our daily environment 🕶️. And what will be the next step? The sky, the Moon 🌑, Mars? Who will consume the most space?

By the overuse of an iconography related to the spatial 🚀 and the astronomy 🔭, Florian Tripoteau takes his inspiration from the way astronomers look at the universe in order to interrogate the way we look at our daily environment. He especially expresses a scepticism 💭 toward the way the private is occupying (public) space. His approach consist in the production of various forms, mostly visuals, in order to focus on this conquest that is operating around us, on Earth and beyond. 🌍